About Me
As individuals we are always growing and changing our lifestyles, and for this reason what I describe myself as today, might change tomorrow. With that said, I will do my best to provide you with some static facts about myself.
I’m Lannette Guerra. I graduated from college with a Bachelors degree in Architecture, as well as, a Bachelors of Art. I was in college for quite some time (transferring really sets you back) so I made the most of my years and majored in Art History, Architecture, and Fine Arts (the latter with a focus in photography).Yes, it's a bit much but it was never my intention, it just happened that way.
I currently work as an exhibit Designer, where I’ve managed to combine all of the above, as well as my love for flexible/modular architecture and furniture design. Needless to say, I’m a design hybrid, and enjoy partaking in various scopes of projects.
In addition to the art of making, I mingle with my other love, photography. I keep my camera around and my eyes wide open to the world. Photography is an essential tool in my artistry belt, it allows me to record those inspirational moments in life and the built environment.
I’m in my late twenties , and live with my most amazing fiancé the software engineer…yes, we live in two very different worlds, which is good because we don’t talk shop at the kitchen table. I learn his nerdy world and he learns who Frank Lloyd Wright is.
My dreams for the future are as follows, to never lose sight of what's really important in life; health, family and the value of time. These essential elements are what keep me grounded, focused and happy.
About this Blog:
The title “Mundane Architecture” stands for the practical day-to-day elements that lay around your home. The blog documents my home creations, as well as, provides a window for family and friends to check up on me and what I've been working on. I'll occasionally rant and go off the subject, but hopefully, it will still be of your enjoyment. I’m honored that you took the time to make it to the "about me" section. I hope you enjoy Mundane Architecture and help spread the word, by simply forwarding my blog to your loved ones; I’d love to get comments and helpful advice from others.
Personal Note:
Our daily rituals are made easier if everything you own has an orderly arrangement and it’s own place to call home. This is why I make things, to keep things organized so I have more time, to do the things in life that really matter. There is an easier solution to organization, and that is to stop consuming, if we do not fill our homes with stuff, then we wouldn’t have to find a box, just so we can place another box inside. Yet, this can prove to be difficult. So my approach is: to make things, that grow and transform with us, this way you’ll be less likely to toss it to the curb on your next move. I also strongly believe that when you take pride in making your own things, you’re less likely to throw it away.