Blank Canvas!

>> Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Unfinished Swan - Tech Demo 9/2008 from Ian Dallas on Vimeo.

The next Maya Lin for the St. Louis park extention

>> Friday, October 24, 2008

Who will be the next Maya Lin in re-designing the St. Louis arch park grounds? It was announced this week that the city of St. Louis is considering spicing up the park areas around the arch, with a new cultural center and a more inviting entrance for pedestrians (they really need to do something about that concrete paved pathway, it just doesn't do anything for me). The city is considering hosting a design competition before undertaking the project....So calling all designers, tonight as you close your eyes and dream about your design dilemas at work, think on how you can make Eero Saarinen proud, and how to become better and surpass Maya Lins vietnam wall.

*And remember she won the competition from a well written essay and a water color painting that looked like a bomerang in the ground* nothing against her tools of choice its actually quite impressive, nowadays not even a rendering that took 4 months and countless fights with 3-dmaxs can win you a competition*

Eyeball Game

>> Sunday, October 19, 2008

lets see how good you are at taking a good educated guess.

Saying Hello to my old Friend Walmart

>> Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A couple years ago I decided to Boycott Wal-Mart, I felt that supporting the big box stores was putting the local mom and pops stores out of business. Today I admit I cannot afford to shop at the grocery down the street, the recession has made me stop quenching everytime I walk into Wally world. I always said the minute I graduate college I would never shop at Wal-Mart again. It goes without saying never say never, and unfortunately many can argue that we can retain ourselves from the big yellow happy face and that wonderful rollback sign, but I cannot resist shopping at Wal-Mart I’ve done the math and it really does have some of the lowest prices. Though I hate the idea I’m going against my values for good old farmers markets and mom and pops, I have to admit to you s I have un-boycotted Wal-Mart. If only there was a Trader Joe by my house, they are actually pretty fairly priced and have all that California goodness.


On a much happier subject matter, this years black Friday will be one of the best in 20 years, the New York Times and Forbes stated this week that stores will practically be giving away things, and the one store that will set the bar for others to follow is……come on take a wild guess, nothing less than are newly accepted friend WALMART.  

Because everything you own needs a home.........