Alphapointe wanted some unique showcases for their Lobby area, this was my solution. Hope you like it. Read more...
>> Friday, April 3, 2009
Maybe it’s the weather, maybe it’s all the friends living in exotic locations that have inspired me to dream.
Dream about the perfect place for me.
What do I like about the city I live in (context, topography)?
What are its circulation problems?
What are the demographics and are they ideal for me?
What are the climate and season averages?
People may have told you -if you are not happy in the place you currently live, than you will never be happy anywhere else. I disagree; there is always a place that makes you feel complete, content and hopeful.
Lets analyze my current city, I moved here a year ago and so far it’s not to bad. I love the area, but than again it is the Kansas City Plaza. Living right in the middle of the blitz and glamour of the plaza shops it's fun but just 4 blocks north is Westport. An area filled with ecliptic shops and funky little bars. It caters to a variety of people that rang from the up and coming yuppies, artists all the way to the trailer park crack smoking lady. The architecture in the plaza is a conjunction of Spanish, arabesque, art deco flair, the surrounding bungalows help ground you back into context.
Transportation in the Midwest is pretty equal “ You need a car”, the landscape is ideal for suburban sprawl, which leads to many interesting places being spread throughout all the adjacent counties. You might really like a burger joint but the bus line does not run all the way to Boonieville.
Demographics are a big problem. Why you might ask. I live in literal Middle America, and my views of the world tend to clash with the conservative people around me. If you’re Latin you must be Mexican and good luck if people can point Panama, Colombia, Peru basically anything south of Mexico out on a map. I don’t want to be rude but lets just say if there are 5 people sitting in a bar (in Kansas City MO) and you ask them to point Bolivia out on a map, 3 of those people and maybe 4 will place there finger on the Sahara desert. (True story)
The Climate in Kansas City is unpredictable today it could be 70 degrees and tomorrow it can snow. Your closet is full of all kinds of outfits winter, fall, summer, and spring. I actually I’m getting pretty tired of winter. I’m envious of my Cuban family in Miami they have no idea how good they have it. …Wait they do that’s why they’ve never left. In the middle of the winter if it gets above 30 that’s a really good day because it can get to below 0.
In conclusion the perfect place for me is:
A place that never reaches temperatures below 40
A place that has an ample range of demographics
A place where suburbia is a 3 states away.
A place with suprises every 6 months.
An ocean would be nice but a huge lake could possible take its place.
I don’t know where life will take me but hopefully I’ll land somewhere near my dream city and till than I can always keep dreaming.
Less is more and flat packing is even better.
>> Monday, March 9, 2009
I was thinking about this topic the other day, but since I'm probably the worst writer in the universe I couldn't get it out of my thoughts and into words. I'm into flexible architecture lets say portable architecture and if it moves (kinetically)... even better. I really think that's where this period is heading. Back to Less is more and less which could flat pack is even better (thats my opinion at least). People really do need to live within their means and even though I love to shop I always try to get the best bang for my buck and have refrained myself from the Fendi and Manolo pumps, because lets face it I'm just going to end up scratching them and than freaking out about it. . I love quality material things but there is nothing in the world that I enjoy more than getting rid of stuff. So in this new era of Architecture I'm pretty sure we won't go brutalist again or cold modernist but it is definitely the era of recycling, weather that is building green or appreciating the existing landscape and letting go of the urge to meet the Jetsons.
Read more...Cave for sale on Ebay.
>> Monday, February 23, 2009
You have read correctly there is a Cave for sale on ebay and where else but in the St. Louis. For 300,000 you can be a proud owner of your very own 15,000 sq. of rock. I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't be able to live in a cave without the benefits of sunlight.
>> Thursday, February 19, 2009
One of my favorite blogs (amnp) has posted a list of best arch songs.I thought I should spread the word.
1. “Government Center” by Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers
2. “Don’t Worry About the Government” by the Talking Heads
3. “Brick House” by the Commodores
4. “Who Do You Love?” by Bo Diddley
5. “Norwegian Wood” by the Beatles
6. “White Room” by Cream
7. “Little Room” by the White Stripes
8. “Our House” by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
9. “Mansion on the Hill” by Hank Williams
10. “Folsom Prison Blues” by Johnny Cash
5 cent Architect all over the news.
>> Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I first heard of John Arthur early January on a high rated television network. A month later he is on my local newstation ( there a little behind). Nether the less this young guy had one of those ideas that seemed so easy and practical but no one had done before. We're all sitting at home or working our none related jobs and complaining about how bad the economy is on our chosen professions... but than again look at John he found a way. I wonder what I can do to strike big on the idea department.The guy isn't even AIA he is an intern architect as so I'm I. He has a website if you like to see how John Arthur Morefield stroke big on the idea department just by charging 5 cents for his time click here.