Cave for sale on Ebay.

>> Monday, February 23, 2009

You have read correctly there is a Cave for sale on ebay and where else but in the St. Louis. For 300,000 you can be a proud owner of your very own 15,000 sq. of rock. I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't be able to live in a cave without the benefits of sunlight.

>> Thursday, February 19, 2009

One of my favorite blogs (amnp) has posted a list of best arch songs.I thought I should spread the word.

1. “Government Center” by Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers

2. “Don’t Worry About the Government” by the Talking Heads

3. “Brick House” by the Commodores

4. “Who Do You Love?” by Bo Diddley

5. “Norwegian Wood” by the Beatles

6. “White Room” by Cream

7. “Little Room” by the White Stripes

8. “Our House” by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

9. “Mansion on the Hill” by Hank Williams

10. “Folsom Prison Blues” by Johnny Cash

5 cent Architect all over the news.

>> Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I first heard of John Arthur early January on a high rated television network. A month later he is on my local newstation ( there a little behind). Nether the less this young guy had one of those ideas that seemed so easy and practical but no one had done before. We're all sitting at home or working our none related jobs and complaining about how bad the economy is on our chosen professions... but than again look at John he found a way. I wonder what I can do to strike big on the idea department.The guy isn't even AIA he is an intern architect as so I'm I. He has a website if you like to see how John Arthur Morefield stroke big on the idea department just by charging 5 cents for his time click here.

Because everything you own needs a home.........