>> Friday, October 1, 2010
This old Project, will always hold a special place in my heart. Noted it's not a Herzog or Koolhass or a building for that matter, but it was definitely a fun little project.
I was asked to turn a trash can into a trophy, and though shocked at the beginning, I think it turned out pretty neat. It's always a pleasure to see a client's eyes when their demands are met and they like what they see.
Money Funnel for ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).
>> Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Ending is the best:
"Things you already own, why not enjoy them today? Because we have so many things, that are just around, there in the closet in the attic, whatever, that we dont even think about anymore. Because there is not enough room left in our brain, because we are so busy processing al the exciting new developments, at the end of the day when your looking around the objects in your house, and your deciding what here really has value to me? There going to be the things that have some meaning in your life.
The hurricane is coming you have 20 minutes get your stuff and go- your not going to be saying well that got an amazing write up in this design blog. Your going to pick the stuff that has most meaning to you, because those are the true objects, that truly reflect the true story of who you are, and what your personal narrative is, and the story your telling to yourself, and no one else, because that is the only audience that matters and no one else."-Objectified
I recommend all designers or non designers to think twice about the daily objects that surround us, their use and purpose and how to re-purpose. Engage in the the 3 R's reduce-reuse-recycle.
Disregard the man in the flashy flamboyant getup and take a look at one of the clips of this documentary, check it out on netflix or catch it on PBS.
Inception and Architecture
>> Friday, July 30, 2010
I absolutely loved Inception, not quite sure if it was because the young Architect was a women, or that she was still in school and getting a Job. It sure beats the real world where we are still struggling to find a good J O B ...."I think I might as well been an Artist". Which ever the case this movie is going on my top 5 favorite movies of all time. Read the entire review @ Australian Design Review / Feature
>> Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Currently working on this bookcase, I will make two and place them under my shelves that currently serve as room divider. The pattern will either be frosted onto the glass or translucent vinyl. I'm looking for nice glass supports, and a clean way of holding them together but still leaving it flexible enough so it can be disassembled. It will have 4 qty, 1-3/4" legs, and open at the back. Once I spec all the hardware and calculate my materials I'll hand it over to the masters, for final production. If it turns out nice enough I'm adding it to my online shop that is later to come.
Recycled Paper Ottoman
>> Monday, June 28, 2010
I tried to explain to my Boss, what I meant by an Ottoman made from recycled plastic and paper, he had no clue how that could ever be made. He couldn't visualize what I had in my head, and of course I wasn't going to give up on the idea coworker and I went out on a mission to make it(I must say she did all the sewing/which is basically everything). I guess there was also the box and cushioning part, so I had a hand in it somehow. I'm really glad we got to see it come to life as cruel as the rejection might of tasted. The look my Boss gave the ottoman...priceless. However it is still cool in my book. Thank you Cindy for helping me out!!!!!!!
Photo Finalist
>> Thursday, June 24, 2010

I entered an architectural photography contest, and was chosen amongst 1,800 photographs as a Finalist. Pretty exciting news, if I win, I get two nights stay in a very nice hotel in London, and two nights stay in a nice hotel in Berlin. I'd figure it can be used as my honeymoon. The competition is hosted by Architizer (the facebook of architects & designers) and Tablet (a hotel search engine and blog). As of today I'm number two, lets see what happens on Tuesday when the competition finalizes. You can vote at:
Spectacular Wave Door
>> Thursday, June 17, 2010
This door is an old Gizmodo Post, however, I always refer back to it. I'd thought it was worth sharing. I love the fluidity and space transforming qualities, even though I wonder about the practicality.
Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE
>> Friday, June 11, 2010
Okay so there is obviously nothing Mundane about this building, but I have to give my shout outs to Dubai, they sure know how to push the Limits on Architecture.
Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE
CG Masterpiece.
>> Thursday, June 10, 2010
This Video sums up everything I love about buildings; the aesthetic emotions, the play of light and shadow, and the surreal sensation of being inside a master's creation. This entire video was made by a very talented man(Alex Roman), it is all CG, yes all CG, and under Vimeo he shows you how he did it. Also I love his knowledge of photography, as he plays around with the field of depth. It takes a bit to load, but trust me it is well worth it.
alex roman,
The third and the seventh
Iphone Case
The other day my iphone case was in desperate disrepair, so naturally I decided to fix it. I covered it with the most Eco friendly product I could find (joke it's horrible)vinyl. The design stems from a Panamanian Mola (an ingenious art form, from the Cuna Indians). For those who personally know me, I'm obsessed with the color Turquoise (and it's many variations), hence the colors chosen. Read more...
iphone case,
Mola Iphone Case,
Spice Rack
>> Wednesday, June 2, 2010
If you have spices taking up space in your kitchen cabinets, there is a very simple solution. Buy a couple of watchmaker cases and adhere a magnet on the back. Wala, homemade spice rack!
Kitchen Ideas,
Spice Rack
That Bridge Looks Familiar!
>> Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Yesterday on my way home I glanced over at the Christopher Bond Bridge, it's almost complete. They've been working on it FOREVER. I chuckle everytime....because as you'll see "that bridge looks familiar".
When I lived in STL, I crossed this bridge......
When I visit Panama, I cross this Bridge............
Now in KC, I glance everyday at this Bridge (not complete).....
Only to find out that it is inspired by this bridge (SC)..............
Conclusion, I sure have crossed many Bridges, but if I ever move somewhere else I know exactly what their future Bridge will look like, jejejeje.
Fun Fact: The Christopher Bond Bridge was host to the largest concrete pour in the State of Missouri. And if you are one of those confused thinking how could the Bridge be in Missouri when it is in Kansas City. I know for a fact that not everyone knows this, but Kansas City is located in the Missouri side. See now you will get this right if it ever comes up in Trivia Night. Read more...
Gourd Art
>> Wednesday, May 19, 2010
My lovely coworker makes the most amazing gourds and I have this new found respect for the art of gourd making. I joined her one day and went through the process of cleaning, scrubbing, drilling the hole, ripping the stuff out, sanding the inside-all necessary prep-work before you can actually work on the gourd. Once this was complete I could actually start laying down my design and applying diff. layers/stains. It really is an act of love because it takes hours and days to make just one perfect gourd. I'm horrible at documenting my stuff, once I start a project I forget to take a picture of the next step and before I know it-I've finished, but in this case I think it's a good thing, I wouldn't want to give out her secrets of the trade. These were my first two gourds, after these I went into early retirement, but check her gourds out...she is awesome.
Literature Holder
I made these because I refused to pay 13 dollars for Literature Holders, what can I say I'm cheap. After calculating that 5 of these would run me 65 dollars........I decided, since I have the means to make them, why not. Each one said a diff word, Design, Recycle,Reuse,Tectonics etc etc etc. Since I used scraps from the shop total price was 0. The only downfall is now my Fiance thinks I can make matter appear with just the thought, though it be pretty nice to have that super power, unfortunately I'm just human.
Literature Holder,
Office Organization
Bench Cubbie
You want pottery barn, well I can't give you that but I could provide you with some poverty barn jejeje. I haven't painted it yet, but it came out nice. I obviously measured the file storage before constructing.
Bench Cubbie,
File Storage
Wine Rack
Once again some more autocad/CNC router magic-I bought the wine racks from Ikea. Gotta love Ikea!
Magazine Rack,
Wine Rack
Oil Rack
After realizing I had 15 bottles of oil products scattered in my kitchen. I felt there needed to be an organized solution. So I went to the magical world of wallyworld (walmart) bought 15 identical bottles, cut my wood on the cnc router-wala spice rack.
Oil Rack
Dining Table
I traced over the Design within Reach Table in Autocad, and send it over to the router- Wala Dining Room Table.
Design Within Reach,
Modern Dining,
Modern Table
Coffee Table
>> Monday, May 17, 2010
This Coffee Table was a great idea (in my head) if I could do it all over, I scarp the resin part (I didn't even photograph that entire episode-trust me not fun). Over all it was a learning experience, and these pictures are long overdue. I present to you "the table" . Materials-mdf, paint,glass,paper print out of ikea curtain inspiration,resin. Process-mdf (lowes cut it for me), glue together, paint,glue paper print out, place trim,smash glass,glue glass over paper print out,fill creases with resin,realize that was a bad idea,purchase glass top, purchase ottomans,wala "the table". Over all cost-after 3 bottles of resin I chose to forget.
coffee table
Table Installation
>> Friday, May 14, 2010
Check out these Tables turned into art, installation, and some even still functional.
Chicago Architecture Walking Tour
Walk at your own paste, and get all the architecture historical information streamed to your phone. The society of Architecture Historians have partnered up with the Institute for Computing in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and have made these tags that can be downloaded straight to your phone. For more information visit
Flat Iron Pouch
>> Friday, May 7, 2010
I cannot take full credit for this one, however I did purchase a sewing machine, and picked out the thread and material, LOL. My mother tried to re-teach me the art of sewing. I pretended to pay attention, but in all honesty I'm intimated by "the brother". She said, once I got the hang of it, I'd become a sewing machine (partly the reason I haven't touched it since). The good thing that came out of our sewing adventure, was this Flat Iron Pouch. My Flat Iron needed a home, I cried for mommy, mommy delivered (under my direction of-course ; and as the saying goes "Abracadabra,Wala, my Chi has a home".
Now, what to do with this brother in my closet?
flat iron pouch
Midwest Walnut
>> Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I woke up today thinking it be just another bland day. Once at work I decided to go through some old design magazines, for a bit of designer fresh air. This is when I accidentally came across a reception counter I designed for Midwest Walnut last year or was that two years ago, who knows years keeps mixing together lately. I was very excited (jumped up an down like a five year old that just got informed she is going to Disney) I really need to learn to control my excitement at times. There is something about seeing your stuff in the glossy pages of a magazine. I told my coworkers if I ever saw my work in Architecture Record I most likely faint.
I attached the article from February's Exhibitor Magazine as well as actual pictures of the counter when it was still in the shop. Also a third rendering showing a glass top, which was a proposed idea thrown out the window.
The article does not mention my company, or my name, still feels pretty cool in my book. Over all today was a good and exciting day. Now I must get back to work and checking all these magazines out...just to make sure i haven't been published before without knowing =).
Article: (with my personal comments)
When is a reception desk more than just a reception desk? (guess the author was feeling philosophical that day)When it's a product display and a three-dimensional company logo as well. (Yeah, tell that to my boss that thought I was crazy)Midwest Walnut turned its easily recognizable "MW" logo into a large walnut reception counter in its in-line exhibit during the 2009 International Builders Show. (Holly Molly Midwest Walnut went to the international builders show, that's awesome...wait a minute why don't they ever mention me =(, it's like i don't exist jejeje). The innovative, angular reception desk not only helped to brand the company's booth space while doing double duty as a functional exhibit element, it also served as a conversation starter and effective product display, showing off the beauty of Midwest Walnut woods.(you guys were good clients, and I'm sure you said Thanks, but just in case I forgot, your Welcome.) Read more...
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