Recycled Paper Ottoman

>> Monday, June 28, 2010

I tried to explain to my Boss, what I meant by an Ottoman made from recycled plastic and paper, he had no clue how that could ever be made. He couldn't visualize what I had in my head, and of course I wasn't going to give up on the idea coworker and I went out on a mission to make it(I must say she did all the sewing/which is basically everything). I guess there was also the box and cushioning part, so I had a hand in it somehow. I'm really glad we got to see it come to life as cruel as the rejection might of tasted. The look my Boss gave the ottoman...priceless. However it is still cool in my book. Thank you Cindy for helping me out!!!!!!!

Photo Finalist

>> Thursday, June 24, 2010

I entered an architectural photography contest, and was chosen amongst 1,800 photographs as a Finalist. Pretty exciting news, if I win, I get two nights stay in a very nice hotel in London, and two nights stay in a nice hotel in Berlin. I'd figure it can be used as my honeymoon. The competition is hosted by Architizer (the facebook of architects & designers) and Tablet (a hotel search engine and blog). As of today I'm number two, lets see what happens on Tuesday when the competition finalizes. You can vote at:

Spectacular Wave Door

>> Thursday, June 17, 2010

This door is an old Gizmodo Post, however, I always refer back to it. I'd thought it was worth sharing. I love the fluidity and space transforming qualities, even though I wonder about the practicality.

Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE

>> Friday, June 11, 2010

Okay so there is obviously nothing Mundane about this building, but I have to give my shout outs to Dubai, they sure know how to push the Limits on Architecture.
Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE

CG Masterpiece.

>> Thursday, June 10, 2010

This Video sums up everything I love about buildings; the aesthetic emotions, the play of light and shadow, and the surreal sensation of being inside a master's creation. This entire video was made by a very talented man(Alex Roman), it is all CG, yes all CG, and under Vimeo he shows you how he did it. Also I love his knowledge of photography, as he plays around with the field of depth. It takes a bit to load, but trust me it is well worth it.

Iphone Case

The other day my iphone case was in desperate disrepair, so naturally I decided to fix it. I covered it with the most Eco friendly product I could find (joke it's horrible)vinyl. The design stems from a Panamanian Mola (an ingenious art form, from the Cuna Indians). For those who personally know me, I'm obsessed with the color Turquoise (and it's many variations), hence the colors chosen.

Spice Rack

>> Wednesday, June 2, 2010

If you have spices taking up space in your kitchen cabinets, there is a very simple solution. Buy a couple of watchmaker cases and adhere a magnet on the back. Wala, homemade spice rack!

Because everything you own needs a home.........