That Bridge Looks Familiar!

>> Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yesterday on my way home I glanced over at the Christopher Bond Bridge, it's almost complete. They've been working on it FOREVER. I chuckle everytime....because as you'll see "that bridge looks familiar".

When I lived in STL, I crossed this bridge......

When I lived in Greece, I crossed this bridge......
When I visit Panama, I cross this Bridge............
Now in KC, I glance everyday at this Bridge (not complete).....
Only to find out that it is inspired by this bridge (SC)..............
Conclusion, I sure have crossed many Bridges, but if I ever move somewhere else I know exactly what their future Bridge will look like, jejejeje.

Fun Fact: The Christopher Bond Bridge was host to the largest concrete pour in the State of Missouri. And if you are one of those confused thinking how could the Bridge be in Missouri when it is in Kansas City. I know for a fact that not everyone knows this, but Kansas City is located in the Missouri side. See now you will get this right if it ever comes up in Trivia Night.


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